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I was at a seminar and heard that one way to reduce turnover is have a company newsletter. We have a turnover problem here, and I am desperate. Is there any truth to this claim about newsletters?
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I just spent the better part of a day at a team-building session, and I thought it was a waste of time. Most of the time was directed at playing with toys and building things, and all I could think about was the real work that I needed to finish. At the end of the session, the trainer said a few words and that was it. What do you think of this?
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My manager works at another site. When he asked if I wanted his ticket to a seminar he was unable to attend, I said yes. The next day I found out that he led my co-workers at the other site to think that he was not at work due to the seminar. Later, when discussing my merit, he said I deserve an "exceeds expectations," but having missed the deadline for submitting paperwork, he had to give me a "meets expectations." Seeing I was unhappy with this, he cited the seminar ticket as a perk he offered exclusively to me because I am a valued employee. How does this sound to you?
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We have retained a company to provide managerial training for our newer managers. All of them are pleased with this training opportunity, except for one. He looked over the program and said that it is a waste of time and he is not interested. Should we force him to attend, or is this a sign that he is not motivated to be in management?
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My manager suggested I get some supervisory training, so I started taking some classes and I really enjoy them. My issue is that when I try to use some of this training on the job, my manager stops me and he keeps saying that is not how we do things here. What can I do about this? I'm starting to think the training has been a waste of time.
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I'm going to a seminar on dealing with difficult people at work, and my manager just told me that he expects me to make a presentation about the seminar to the rest of our group when I return. I don't want to do it. Is it fair for him to make this request?
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The company paid to send me to a one-day management seminar, and my manager asked me to make a one-hour presentation to the rest of our department afterwards. The problem is that the content of the seminar was either too juvenile or just plain wrong, but the presenter is one of my manager’s favorites. I’m concerned about my manager’s reaction if I say that the seminar was not very useful. How should I approach this assignment?
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I have been in the retail industry since 1968. I have only worked for four companies, all in managerial positions, but I cannot find a job. I am registered with all of the major online sites, but I get no calls or emails. How can I find out why? I have rewritten my resume several times, but nothing works.
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