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Here are the questions filed under this category. To read Ken's advice on any item, click on the link "Read Ken's Answer."

I recently moved an employee from a workstation to an office, and to my great surprise, he put pictures of his dog all over the walls. He had a couple of these photos on his desk in the workstation, but this is way beyond that. I don't want to make a big issue out of this, but some of these need to come down. How should I approach him?
Read Ken's Answer

The owner of the company brings his dog to work, and I've always been afraid of dogs. The owner half-jokingly says that his dog is the best judge of people, and since the dog snarls at me, I must have some kind of problem. How does this sound to you?
Read Ken's Answer

I brought in a small fishbowl with a goldfish and put it on my desk. My manager told me that it has to go because company policy prohibits pets. I am in complete shock. It's just a tiny bowl with a fish. Should I take it home or stand up for what I think is right?
Read Ken's Answer