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I am employed by a major financial services corporation that has six local branches. I was recently overlooked for the manager position at my office. A form letter I received indicated that a candidate with "more credentials" had been hired. I was told to work hard toward this position and learn from the new manager. However, her experience and knowledge are a fraction of mine. Is it time to move on?
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What are the best ways to get more attention and recognition from management without being one of those employees who is constantly praising the boss and telling him how wonderful he is?
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My manager praises my co-workers whenever they do something well, but he hardly ever shows any appreciation toward me. My work is just as good as theirs. It's not that I need lots of stroking, but I would appreciate more from him. How do I get it?
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My birthday is today, and my manager did not say one word to me about it. When other employees have birthdays, he sends them emails. I am wondering if his action is a sign that he is upset with me or if he thinks I did something wrong. Do you think it would be worthwhile to ask him why I heard nothing from him on my birthday?
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One of my employees told me that I am giving the employees too much thanks and recognition. Is that really possible? I had always heard that a manager cannot provide too much appreciation.
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I do not know how to deal with an employee who comes to my office several times a day to tell me how well he did on one project or another. He constantly needs to be stroked, and he won't stop talking about what he has accomplished until I tell him what a good job he did.
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I helped one of my co-workers on a project and he thanked me a couple of times and that was fine. But, he has not stopped thanking me. Just about every time he sees me, he offers a "thanks again." I told him that he doesn't have to thank me anymore, but he keeps doing it. How do I turn it off?
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Whenever I compliment a certain employee in my unit, he either ignores it or makes a snide comment. I have told him that a simple "thanks" will do, but he hasn't changed at all. Should I just forget about giving him compliments?
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Our manager gave an impromptu speech at our holiday party, and he mentioned all of my peers by name, but left me out. I am hurt and embarrassed, and I certainly thought that I performed as well as the others. Should I say anything to him or just forget about it?
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We have occasional visitors to our offices, and the president takes them around. As he enters the departments, he looks at us but says nothing. It's as if we don't exist. He just continues his tour with the guests. I am somewhat afraid to say something. What do you suggest?
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One of my associates needed an introduction to a certain sales prospect, and I got it for him. The two of them hit it off well and will most likely be doing some business together. I did not hear a word of thanks, and I'm annoyed. Do you think I should say something?
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I am at my wit's end. I have never worked so hard in my life, never put in so many hours, and never been so frustrated on the job. I feel like I am unappreciated by management, getting nowhere, and on one big treadmill. I'm ready to leave, but the thought of a change is a little scary to me. Do you have any suggestions?
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Whenever I compliment a certain employee in my unit, he either ignores it or makes a snide comment. I have told him that a simple "thanks" will do, but he hasn't changed at all. Should I just forget about giving him compliments?
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I am not sure how to deal with a manager who gives too much recognition. Every time any of us do anything, he pours lavish praise upon us. This is getting to be a distraction and even a joke, and several of us are wondering if we should say something.
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Our manager is very vocal when it comes to giving recognition to my fellow employees whenever they do something well, but even if I do the greatest job in the world, I hear nothing. It's not that my manager is unaware of my performance, it's just that she ignores it. What should I do?
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I work in a restaurant in a management position, and I typically work 10 hours or more a day, 6 days a week. In addition to my management responsibilities, I cover other positions, and I am helping the new sales manager. My biggest problem is that my boss is always on my case when something goes wrong, and he never seems to see that I do so much for the company. Should I quit?
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All of us worked very hard on a project, and we put in tons of extra hours. Our manager went around and personally thanked everyone when it was done, but I did not get any thanks until a week had gone by. I feel slighted and I am wondering if I should say something.
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Our manager told us that he heard that employees today seek recognition more than anything else at work, including money. He said we need to keep this in mind when supervising in our areas. I think this is an oversimplification, but when I said this to him, he said I was flat-out wrong. Am I?
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Our manager gives us no recognition when we meet or surpass our goals, whether as individuals or as a team. She is more likely to focus negatively on some minor point or ignore our success altogether. Should we say something to her?
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Our manager has this annoying habit of complimenting us, and then throwing in a piece of criticism. Whenever she says something nice, it is always followed with the word, "but...." Is there a way to get a compliment from her that is just a compliment?
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My manager gives us praise and thanks us practically all the time. At first, I appreciated his kind words, but since he says them to everyone constantly, I'm tired of it. Is it worth telling him that he is going overboard or should I just ignore it?
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I was named the Employee of the Month, and the reward is a special parking place near our building for a month. When I drove to this spot, there was a car in it. My manager said there are "special visitors" for the next week, so I should use my regular spot. I didn't say anything, but I must have looked disappointed. He said I should "grow up." What do you think?
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How can I get thanked by my boss? I do good work, and I have gone the extra mile on many assignments, but he shows no appreciation at all. His attitude is that my paycheck and my job are thanks enough.
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I oversee a customer service department, and I have five reps reporting to me. They all do a good job. My question is how to deal with a rep who repeatedly asks customers to write letters about his good work, and then parades around the office with these letters in hand? Everyone knows that the customers wrote the letters only because they were asked.
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Our manager gives us recognition, but on a regular cycle. He takes each of us to lunch every six weeks. And every three weeks like clockwork, I'll get praise from him, and the others in the department are on their own three week cycle. The praise and recognition are nice, but kind of meaningless. Why would a manager do this?
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My manager was at a seminar and was advised that titles are more important than money. Because of this, he has decided to change many of our titles, such as by giving managers the title of director, and he has cut our raises way back. Is he right about this?
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How important is it for a company to provide recognition to employees who work here for many years, such as five or ten years? This is a fairly good company, and the salary and benefits are fair, but they do nothing to recognize the employees who put in many years. Is it just expected that people should be glad to have a job, or is this company missing a good opportunity?
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I played a very important role on a redesign of our office over the past ten months. It is finally all done and the general manager called everyone in to thank the people who worked so hard on it. I thought I would be the first one thanked, but I wasn't thanked at all. I'm very upset. What can you suggest?
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I work in a call center, and almost every week our manager brings in candies, cookies, and bakery goods to reward us for our hard work. I have to lose weight, so I stay away from all of it, and this means I don't get an award. I don't want to sound like an ingrate, but is there a way to ask her for something different?
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I work with ten other people in this department, and my boss has taken all of them to lunch but me. Some have even gone to lunch with him several times. He is not my favorite person in the world, but I'm still feeling left out and concerned. What do you suggest?
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My manager gives me compliments about my work whenever I see him, especially in meetings and in front of my co-workers. I work hard and take pride in my work, but I'm a little embarrassed by all of this attention, and some of my co-workers have made comments about it. What should I say to my manager about these compliments?
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I am a new manager. At a recent management meeting, the company president came in to make a few remarks. He is not an expert on the issues we were discussing, and his suggestions were useless. However, that did not stop three of the attendees from telling him that his ideas are brilliant. It is not my style to blatantly flatter anyone, and I'm wondering how necessary it really is.
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I was selected as employee of the month, and I was given a special parking place right in front of the building for one month. I came in one morning last week, and someone else was parked in it. When I complained, my manager said that I'm being petty and I should just find another place. What do you think of this treatment?
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Our company gives incentives and awards to employees in other departments, but ours is overlooked. We talked to our manager about this, and he said there is nothing he can do because our work is not set up this way. What should we do?
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The company where I work has a program to reward us for giving good customer service. The problem is that the reward means the employee is placed in a drawing for some prizes. I have been singled out for excellent customer service several times, and I get into the drawing, but I have never won a prize. What do you think of this kind of program?
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How do you deal with an employee who is always fishing for compliments? I manage six people, and one is always telling me about something good that she did. After I compliment her, she is happy and goes back to work. It's getting a little tiring. Do you have any suggestions?
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For over a year, I put out a monthly report for the managers. It was tedious, but I always did an excellent job. My manager recently reassigned these reports to one of my associates, and this allowed me to work on more important projects. I helped my associate with her first report, and then she sent it out. She then received an email from the president of the company saying what a great job she did. I never heard once from the president when I did these reports. I am very annoyed. What should I do?
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I helped one of my co-workers on a project and he thanked me a couple of times and that was fine. But, he has not stopped thanking me. Just about every time he sees me, he offers a "thanks again." I told him that he doesn't have to thank me anymore, but he keeps doing it. How do I turn it off?
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Our manager means well, and he likes to come into our work area and give us spot bonuses. I like extra cash as much as anyone, but his bonuses have nothing to do with anything. He just gives them to everyone. What do you think of this approach?
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I am new here and I am in a fairly senior position. On my first day, the Human Resources Manager wrote and posted a brief biographical write-up about me on the company website. The wording made me look more junior than I really am, and a couple of important points in my bio were left out. Should I ask for a correction or just let it go?
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We provide our employees with treats at the end of the week, and we use this as a form of recognition and appreciation, as well as an opportunity for the employees to mingle with each other. I was shocked the other day when a few employees said they don’t like the treats and would prefer something different, something better. I told them I’d keep their comments in mind. However, I am quite annoyed that they would complain about a gift. What do you make of this?
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I just passed my third year of employment with this company, and no one in management said anything to me about it. A few words of appreciation would have been nice, but when I mentioned this to my manager, he said the company gives out enough recognition as it is. He then offered unenthusiastic congratulations. Aren’t these anniversaries worth recognizing more formally?
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My manager advised me to pick a certain day every month and use that day to give my employees some recognition for their work. I can tell that he does the same thing, because he seems to show up every other Friday in our department to thank us for something. Is this a worthwhile step to take as a manager?
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I have an employee who keeps complimenting himself. He'll say what a good job he did on a particular project, and then repeat it several times. I am tired of hearing this, and I wonder if I should tell him to stop.
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Our general manager recently sent out notes of appreciation to almost everyone, but I never received one. I feel annoyed and humiliated, and I don’t know if he is trying to tell me something or if he just forgot. I am reluctant to ask him because I think I would look too needy. Is there anything else I could do?
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Our company retained a consultant to look at how we are organized, and one of his recommendations is to reduce job titles for several of us. Some directors will become managers, and some managers will become supervisors. All of us are upset, and we are wondering how to combat this.
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My granddaughter has been on her current job for over a year and has been doing an excellent job. Before her review, her manager gave her a booklet about her duties and asked her to rate herself. She gave herself all 4’s, the highest rating, except for a 3 on one item because some of the duties were not part of her job. At the review session, her manager accepted the 3 and dropped some of her 4’s to 3’s, saying it would not be right for them to be a perfect score. What do you think of this evaluation, and what do you think about deductions for unassigned duties?
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My manager seems to have no respect for my work. When I wrap up a project, he makes a disparaging remark about it and says how unimportant it is. I know that my work is significant around here, and I am wondering if there is a better way to get this across to him.
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