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Here are the questions filed under this category. To read Ken's advice on any item, click on the link "Read Ken's Answer."

Management always encourages the employees to volunteer for some committees, so I followed their advice and got onto a committee that has been a nightmare. We are meeting too frequently, often into the evening, and the discussions are a waste. I'm thinking about quitting the committee, but I fear how that will look. Any suggestions?
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I am on a committee with two other employees, and we are supposed to review and report on certain company processes that deal with new customers. The problem is that my two co-workers are buddies, and they exclude me from practically all of the discussions. I know I can make a valuable contribution, and I'm very annoyed about this. What can I do?
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I have an employee in my department who is on more committees, task forces, and special projects than anyone I have ever seen. The problem is that she is rarely around when I need her, and her work is suffering. How do you work with someone like this?
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I was on a committee with people from many departments, and we spent long hours working on ways to improve operations. We wrote a thorough plan that was submitted to management, but that was the last we heard of it. What do you suggest we do?
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I was on a committee that is chaired by a senior manager, but I disagreed with several of his ideas. He insists on having everything his way, and now the committee is still meeting, but I am not invited. I liked the other people on it, and I would like to be on it again. How can I do this?
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I am on a taskforce that is working on longer term goals and strategies for the company, and there is one individual who has a contrary opinion to everything the rest of us agree on. No matter what approach we take, he seems to pride himself in criticizing it and pushing for things to be done his way. How do you deal with someone like this?
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I try to volunteer for as much work and as many committees as I possible can. I enjoy doing this type of work, and I know it helps improve my marketability. Several of my fellow employees have said that I am doing this just to get in good with management, and now they hardly ever talk to me. Is there a way to deal with this?
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When I joined this company, the general manager said I would be on some management committees to review and discuss major programs and developments. During my first few months here, I went to these types of meetings, but now I am often left out. I asked the general manager about this, and he said he forgot but will include me in future meetings. I just heard that he held one last week, but I was again left out. What should I do?
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