Here are the questions filed under this category. To read Ken's advice on any item, click on the link "Read Ken's Answer."
| Our company just put in a new policy on absenteeism and I think it is all wrong. As a manager, how do I handle this? What should I say to the employees when they complain about it, as they surely will.
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| Q. We have noticed that our boss seems preoccupied lately. She has been making mistakes and has missed a few appointments, and she is more impatient than she used to be. We don't know if we should just let her work out whatever is going on, or if we should talk to her about this. What do you think?
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| We recently hired an individual with a considerable amount of experience in our field. The only problem is that he keeps using techniques from his previous job, and they are creating some difficulties for the rest of the staff. I have talked to him about this, and he says that he will try to change, but he hasn't. What can you suggest?
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| Whenever I make a suggestion to management, I am told that my idea will not work. I think that some of my ideas are very good, but no one around here seems to care. Are there some ways to encourage management to accept some of my suggestions?
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| I have been working for this company for 12 years, and it was recently sold. The new owner was introduced at our year-end meeting, and I did not like what he said or the way he said it. His tone was condescending and even threatening. Some of my co-workers are already talking about leaving. How do you know when it is time to leave?
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| I am at my wit's end. I have never worked so hard in my life, never put in so many hours, and never been so frustrated on the job. I feel like I am unappreciated by management, getting nowhere, and on one big treadmill. I'm ready to leave, but the thought of a change is a little scary to me. Do you have any suggestions?
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| I always thought I wanted to be in a management position, and I was promoted into one a few months ago. I haven't told anyone, but I don't like it. I want my old job back, but I'm concerned about what my manager will think. What should I do?
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| I am in sales, and our company just implemented a new system that requires us to complete a huge amount of paperwork. We don't see the value of most of it, but our manager tells us that it will improve our efficiency. When we complained, he made it very clear that the paperwork has to be completed. How does this sound to you?
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| I have a great way to do part of my job, and I am convinced that it will be faster, better, and save the company money. My manager is not the least bit interested in my idea and told me to do the job the way it is specified. How can I convince him to give me a chance?
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| I am the manager of the business office, and for some reason, there has been a rash of accidents lately. This is not a dangerous place, but people are tripping, spilling things, and cutting themselves far too often. What do you suggest?
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| I am being considered for a promotion, and I feel flattered about this. The problem, and I don't like to admit it, is that I am nervous about my ability to handle the position. Do you have any suggestions for a person in my situation?
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| Our company did a reorganization of a few areas, and I have kept all of my past responsibilities, plus I am now over an area that I know very little about. The manager of the area seems competent, and I am taking the place of her former boss who left the company. I'm very busy as it is, and I don't think this department should have been placed under me. Is there a way to say this to my manager without looking weak?
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| This used to be a wonderful company until the new owners took over. Their management style is harsh, controlling, and cheap. Many of my co-workers have bailed out, and I am thinking of leaving too. But, I have invested many years here and it is hard for me to think about going to a new company. Is there a way to demonstrate to the new owners that they are destroying the business?
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| We have a new assistant supervisor, and the first thing she did was to rearrange people, causing our production to slow and errors to occur. Her newest plan has people standing around for three-quarters of the day, and the regular supervisor could not care less about this. Should we just wait for the boss to realize what is going on?
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| For some reason, our company just changed the logo design and colors, and most of us agree that it is ugly. There was no discussion with any employees, and the decision was made by two or three senior people. Our manager has made it clear that this decision is final. Is there anything we can do or say?
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| I am not in a low level position, but my manager is giving me more and more routine and time-consuming chores. He treats me with no respect, and if I say anything about these assignments, he gets hostile. What should I do?
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| About a year ago, a good friend of mine was promoted and became my boss. He asked me to change my schedule and take on extra duties. I agreed, and everything went well, but he was suddenly promoted. For the past two weeks, I have had a new director who expects me to do all these tasks, and she has given me new assignments and constricted my hours. All of our conversations have focused on what she needs. How and when should I have a conversation to talk about my needs, such as extra benefits for my extra work?
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| When I returned from a short vacation, I found that my office had been moved from one part of the building to another. I never had been told about this, and no one else's office was moved. I am furious. I told my manager and he said that it just needed to be done. Does this sound right to you?
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| I left my previous employer two years ago because my work was within my area of expertise, but not in my area of interest. My current job started out with work that I enjoy, but now most of my assignments are just like the awful assignments on my previous job. This company emphasizes being a team player, and if I say anything, I could create problems for myself. What should I do?
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| I am in sales, and our company just implemented a new system that requires us to complete a huge amount of paperwork. We don't see the value of most of it, but our manager tells us that it will improve our efficiency. When we complained, he made it very clear that the paperwork has to be completed. How does this sound to you?
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| Our department manager was promoted, and the company replaced her with someone from the outside. At first, the new manager said we have an excellent department, and she would not be making any changes. That lasted for about a week. Now she has changed our assignments, moved us around, and put in new policies that don’t make sense. What can we do?
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| My job entails a lot of time sitting in front of a computer, and our company just purchased new chairs for our department. I don’t like new chairs at all. I cannot get mine to adjust to what I want, and what I really want is my old chair back. I told this to our manager, and she said to give the new chair some time and it will be fine. Can you help?
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| Management puts out a spread of cookies and donuts every Friday. I have told my manager that it is not healthy to eat all this fat and sugar, and the company should put out fruits instead. My manager said this was tried in the past and the employees were not happy. What do you suggest?
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| Our company is introducing several changes in assignments and responsibilities, along with a revised overall structure. As planned, I discussed the changes with another manager. He then met with my manager and totally misquoted me. My manager then tore into me. What should I do?
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| As I was sitting at my cluttered desk filled with boring work, I realized that this job has changed over the years and I don't like it. It seems strange that this feeling hit almost overnight, since I don't think I felt this way yesterday. Is this a passing dissatisfaction or something more serious? Read Ken's Answer |
| Our company just refurnished all of the offices and workstations for over 150 employees. The furniture is very nice, and the only mistake is that the top five or six managers all got furniture that is nicer than everyone else’s. I don’t think this is fair. It just separates the top managers even more from the rest of us, and now anyone who comes into my office automatically knows that I am not that important. Is it worth talking to my manager about this?
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| One of the most popular employees in the department I manage recently left the company for another job. I’m not sure if the remaining employees are depressed because she left or if they are mad at me because she moved on, but since that date, the group has been making more mistakes, learning new processes more slowly, and experiencing more communication breakdowns. What do you think is behind this, and what should I do?
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