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Management retained a consultant to help our department run better, but he seems to know nothing about our department's technology, and very little about how to manage. We are open to new ideas, but we haven't heard one yet. This seems like a colossal waste of time and money. Any thoughts?
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Several months ago, our company hired a consulting firm to survey how we feel about working here. It was a very expensive project, and it was a big interruption in our work. As of today, we have not heard one thing about the findings, and our manager says that he has heard nothing too. Do you have any suggestions?
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My manager is an avid reader of books and articles by one popular management guru, and he keeps sending us almost everything this guy writes. I think the guru's work is simple and useless, and I cannot read another word of it. My manager keeps asking us about it, and I fear telling him the truth. Do I just go along with this, or is there something I can do?
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Our company brought in an outside trainer to give a dozen of us a half-day of management training. The speaker was knowledgeable and had some good points, but he lectured almost the whole time. He answered a few questions, but I don't think I learned much at all. What do you think of this type of training?
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Our company has a training consultant who comes here two days a month, and we all think it is worthless. We have to interrupt our work to listen to him pontificate, and it is a waste of time and money. When we express our dissatisfaction to our manager, he says that he likes him. We don't know what to do. What can you suggest?
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Our company retained a consultant to look at how we are organized, and one of his recommendations is to reduce job titles for several of us. Some directors will become managers, and some managers will become supervisors. All of us are upset, and we are wondering how to combat this.
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