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When our manager gives us assignments, she tells us how disappointed she will be if we don’t do well. If something goes wrong, she harps on how we failed her and how she expected so much more of us. We don’t know what this management style is, but we are not comfortable with it. What can we do?

This style is best described as management by guilt. She wants you to know that your performance problems personally hurt and disappoint her. You can almost hear her next question, “Is that what you want to do to me?” It does not take long for this style to grate, and that’s not great.

Today’s best managers focus on their employees as individuals and generate opportunities for them to meet their own needs as part of the process of meeting departmental goals. This approach is supported with opportunities to learn, grow, advance, achieve, and receive recognition when due.

Your manager’s style is most likely part of her personality, and as such it is not likely to change. If you and your associates decide to meet with her, be sure that she understands that you are not trying to change her management style, but rather to build on it. Try to show her how she and the department will be even more successful if she were to share more of her expertise and focus more heavily on the goals and the best steps to meet them. Unfortunately, the odds are that she will continue to play the guilt card, and many employees will play the exit card.

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