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Friends Finding a Job

I have always tried to help my friends, and I made phone calls for two of them when they were out of work. Now they are working and I am not, but they won't lift a finger to help me. Any suggestions?

It sounds like you indeed are a good friend, while those whom you describe as friends sound more like acquaintances. They were more than willing to use your kindness and goodwill, and now show none of their own. But, perhaps they will.

Go back to them and be very clear about your situation and needs. Sometimes people are a little embarrassed and indirect when talking about finding a job, and that may have been your problem. Bring them up to date, and then ask if they can help.

It is possible they will step up to the plate and make a few calls for you, but you need to look beyond them. Networking is one of the most effective ways to find job opportunities today, and you should develop as wide a list as possible of any people who could help you. This can include family members, former colleagues, and people you may have met in community, civic, or social gatherings. Contact them and see what they can do, whether it's a referral, a call in your behalf, or even a few suggestions.

The greater your network, the greater your chances of connecting with a job. If your friends continue to ignore your requests, perhaps your expanded network can help you land a few new friends as well as a new job.

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